Future Mobile Phones
By: Hollie Ho-yee Lam
Future mobile will be more than what the next generation is expecting as it turns into a remote control of our lives. Manufactured and developed by our engineers we will now have a pocket sized organiser, entertainment, payment device and security centre all in the form of one. So its time to say goodbye to the paper bills and separate game consoles.
With many phones now linking to the development of the Android software developed by Android Inc., which was then later purchased by Google and just recently by the Open Handset Alliance. The Android software targeted applications the very first development was the snake game.
The most recent announcement at the Mobile World Congress was the HTC Legend Mobile which is one of the three Android mobile phones that HTC has released already. However that was not the only flashing phone at the Mobile World Congress as Mr Andrew Smith flashes his “Google Nexus One” a mobile that is not yet out in the UK, but it was stated that with the added android operator the phone is fast and powerful and Mr smith stated that many phones are now transferring to the operator although the phone is expensive it is better than the Iphone hence most of its functions are the same such as the voice control.
Instead of having a shinny back the phone is specifically designed with a rubbery back case and as stated by Mr Smith it prevents any finger prints from occurring.
Since the Iphone, more and more rumors have gone around about the next generation of them. The future for Iphone is one of the most talked about topics.
For months many have predicted the development to expand from the rectangular block to a pint size. But a phone down to size has meant that the recent 3G hardware is unable to be fitted into the small shell. Rumors of this have also increased to the Iphone Nano appearing later this year, but questions are still being raised to whether the product will be ready for the shops. The Iphone Nano will be featured with a 5.0-megapixel camera, 16GB of storage, a multi-touch screen and all the other features we've come to love in the full-sized Iphone. This was predicted to be a smart move for the Apple Company taking an inspiration from the iPod Nano. But will this be a beneficial move?
Only time will tell. Hence products from Nokia have already developed as the Morph reads for it self the phone is created by nanotechnology and it is bendable and can mould itself into any shape or form. Or if that’s not good enough Nokia’s providing option two the Nokia Flexi Concept phone the phone made from memory plastic which again can be molded to fit on the wrist but to convert in back to normal just heat it.
However with other brands on the menu will the Iphone be worth it? With the newest versions of the Microsoft Kin One and Two the company have created a phone that has a special loop that allows there users to stay connected to their social networking sites. Being particularly developed in order to attract those in the age group of fifteen to twenty-five.
The phone itself saves battery as it refreshes itself every fifteen minutes. Within Kin there was an aim to allow the phones battery life to last a whole weekend starting from Friday right through to Sunday. When the first Iphone came out with a price of £360 in total these new gadgets are set to be more, new developments have been planned but along with them there has not been any sign of pricing, but rumors state they would not be coming out cheap.
As well as the old brands it is set out to be that future brands such as ‘Mac Funamizu's’ "Cobalto" has taken the mobile world almost too far in to the future. With the majority of the design using glass, the phone is set to feature 3D imaging where maps are going to be more useful. Further developments will lead to phones using solar power as the described ‘sticker phone’ will prove that by sticking the phone on the window through the suction the phone will charge and it will also be impossible to leave it behind the phone. The mobile industry is one of the fastest developing industry by far with new mobiles coming out at least every month people are so drawn to the mobile world that by the year 2020 the target audience is expecting the ‘apple black hole’ inspired from the Iphone. The future is too big to be in one article and nothings for definite so without the proof, there’s no point planning